Sarah Louise Woodward

My thoughts, inspiration, personal work, development, ideas, and journeys. A recording of my creative and personal progression throughout the duration of my fashion degree, and my life in general. Welcome to my blogging world.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011


Rivers all over the world are polluted green, red, pink...any colour which isn't natural by the chemicals used to make fake fur. These rivers tend to be within the less wealthy parts of the countries where clean water is perhaps more appreciated and valued than here in the UK, so why are we ruining the lives and towns belonging to these people? The water that was once respected by these communities is now uncared for and used as a bin, as the contamination is so uncontrollable.
None biodegradable materials and oil based chemicals are used to create this fake fur that many seem to think this the better option, this makes the creation almost impossible to decompose in landfill. Ruining our earth in the manufacturing process, possibly causing harm to those wearing it who breath in the chemicals which have been suggested to cause cancer, and finally when we are finished wearing the clothing it sits on our earth for many years causing environmental problems. 

Real fur is a durable, natural and sustainable material, because of this it is biodegradable and doesn't cause the problems like landfill. The fact is that animals will always die, due to prey, disease, the earth would not be able to provide for animals if they lived forever. In the cycle of life animals die, we as humans die and none of us living things stay here on earth forever. I do not support at all the cruelty to animals, I love all animals and would never harm one. I also believe we have a right and responsiblity to protect our earth... therefore fake fur is damaging, as long as animals are treated with the respect they deserve there should not be a problem with using the surplus once life has finished with them. Humans donate organs... some of us choose to use our bodies once they are no use to us. 

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